
Oakwood – 5502 Yards, Par 68

Boasting incredible views across Dartmoor, Oakwood is a course you should not underestimate. With its well positioned ponds and bunkers providing the opportunity of risk and reward golf, this is a thinking golfers course.

Signature Hole – Oakwood 7th

With the fairway sloping right to left, a drive down the right side should release to the centre. On the approach to the green, golfers must be aware of a pond on the left side of the hole.

Oakwood 1st


Par 4
Distance 184yds
Distance 220yds
Distance 223yds

A straight forward par 4 but only if the danger lurking all around is avoided. The out of bounds to the left and the tree ponds await any wayward tee shot. To score well choose the straightest club in your bag, leaving an easy pitch into the green. Two putts and your round is off to a steady start.

Oakwood 2nd


Par 4
Distance 388yds
Distance 414yds
Distance 426yds

Tee shots need to be hit slightly to the right of the marker post to avoid running into the string of bunkers down the left-hand side. Beware of the one bunker if you stray too far right.

Oakwood 3rd


Par 4
Distance 269yds
Distance 290yds
Distance 300yds

A carry of 100 yds will easily clear the pond in front of the tee. Because of the long narrow green, your approach shot is made easier if coming from the left side of the fairway.

Oakwood 4th


Par 4
Distance 292yds
Distance 321yds
Distance 328yds

Choose a club to avoid the sand at 150 yds and the pond at 250 yds from the tee. This sets up an inviting approach shot.

Oakwood 5th


Par 4
Distance 146yds
Distance 166yds
Distance 179yds

Club selection and line on this tee are all important. The prevailing wind from the left may not always be apparent on the sheltered tee. Shots hit to the right will run and run away from the green.

Oakwood 6th


Par 4
Distance 235yds
Distance 265yds
Distance 270yds

Avoiding the large, deep sand trap to the right of the green may well set up a birdie chance on the shortest par 4 on the course. An iron off the tee shot should leave an easier approach chip to this three tiered green.

Oakwood 7th


Par 4
Distance 378yds
Distance 416yds
Distance 429yds

A picturesque and tricky par 4 that drops some 51 feet over the length. After you have heard the bell for the ‘all clear’ a drive over the marker post will place you in a good position for your approach shot. Remember to ring the ball as you pass. Balls hit short of the green are likely to run in from the right.

Oakwood 8th


Par 3
Distance 150yds
Distance 169yds
Distance 176yds

A most inviting par 3, well-guarded by three sand traps. Help could be gained by the use of the bank. Better to be right than left. Double check wind speed and direction, as this tee is very sheltered.

Oakwood 9th


Par 4
Distance 376yds
Distance 396yds
Distance 404yds

A good long par 4 that drops some 54 feet from tee to green. Avoid the sand trap on the left with your drive at 192 yds to the green. Approach shots hit slightly short should run down the hill and over the revetted steps.

Oakwood 10th


Par 3
Distance 188yds
Distance 202yds
Distance 215yds

A long downhill par 3 with trouble on the right. Landing a ball just beyond and to the left of the first bunker should release onto the green. Keep an eye out for those teeing off the 11th tee as you pass around the green.

Oakwood 11th


Par 5
Distance 366yds
Distance 440yds
Distance 446yds

This dogleg, uphill, par 5 rises some 60 feet from tee to green and thus, plays longer than the card indicates. The percentage play is to drive somewhere around the marker post. Lay up your second to the flat area on the left of the pond leaving a mid iron shot to the green.

Oakwood 12th


Par 4
Distance 365yds
Distance 407yds
Distance 417myds

The green on this downhill par 4 remains hidden until you are within 110 yds so make sure you check the green before playing your approach shot. The hole drops some 72 feet over its length. Remember to ring the bell as you leave the green.

Oakwood 13th

Par 3
Distance 138m
Distance 151m
Distance 161m

Aim slightly to the left and short of the green on this short but tricky par 3. This will allow for the slope of the land. Take great care on this undulating green, as it can easily become a three-putt hole.

Oakwood 14th

Par 4
Distance 281m
Distance 340m
Distance 355m

An uphill par 4, rising some 48 feet from tee to green. To reach the green in two, it is essential that your drive finds the fairway. IF your drive is not long and straight, use the open area in front of your green to place your lay-up. This should leave an easy up and down.

Oakwood 15th


Par 4
Distance 208yds
Distance 248yds
Distance 256yds

The percentage shot here is not to try and drive the green. Play two short to mid irons to reach in safety and avoid the water.

Oakwood 16th


Par 3
Distance 117yds
Distance 172yds
Distance 212yds

A testing par 3. The safer shot is to favour the left side of the green. Shots hit right are more than likely to find trouble.

Oakwood 17th


Par 5
Distance 430yds
Distance 494yds
Distance 507yds

A good uphill par 5. Tee shots should be hit down the edge of the fairway, as they will run left to right. Keep your second shot slightly to the left of the marker post.

Oakwood 18th


  Par 3
Distance 126yds
Distance 188yds
Distance 198yds

A good finishing par 3. Beware of the out of bounds down the left hand side.