Taking long car journeys with kids can sometimes be a challenge, but with the right activities, it’s possible to turn the trip into a fun and memorable experience for the whole family. To help keep your kids entertained, engaged, and maybe even learning along the way, here’s a list of the best family car games and activities that are sure to make the miles fly by.
“I Spy”
This classic game is perfect for younger children, as it encourages them to use their observation skills. Everyone knows this one – One person says, “I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter…” and the others take turns guessing what the object might be. For younger children you can switch the letter to a colour or sound. To keep things fresh, you can expand the game by asking about things outside or inside the car.
Why it works: Simple, adaptable, and it keeps kids interested on their surroundings.
20 Questions
In this guessing game, one person thinks of something (it could be an animal, object, or person), and the others take turns asking up to 20 yes/no questions to figure out what it is. The challenge is to identify the object before running out of questions.
Why it works: It sparks creativity and encourages logical thinking.
Would You Rather
This is the perfect game to find out a little more about each other. In “Would you rather?” there are no winners or losers. To play, simply pose a question with two options and see what everyone would rather do. For example, “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?” Everyone answers, and the family can discuss the funny or interesting reasons behind their choices.
Why it works: This is a great conversation starter, and it leads to lots of giggles and interesting discussions.
Story Chain
One person starts by saying a sentence to kick off a story (e.g., “Once upon a time, there was a magical castle…”). Then, the next person adds to the story with another sentence, and so on. The story can go in any direction and usually ends up being wildly unpredictable.
Why it works: It gets everyone involved, encourages creativity, and can lead to some pretty funny stories.
Scavenger Hunt
The winner of this game will be the player with the sharpest eye. Create a list of items (roughly 10) for everyone to try and spot along throughout the car journey. The person to check everything off first is the winner. If you’re feeling particularly creative you can create a bingo-style card before leaving with the items drawn on!
Example list:
- Sheep
- Post Box
- Bicycle
- Church
- Bridge
- Lake or Pond
- Petrol station
- Stop sign
- Traffic Lights
- Someone with an umbrella
Why it works: It’s a great way to keep kids engaged with the changing scenery outside the car, making them more aware of the trip rather than just the destination.
Long car journeys don’t have to be a battle of keeping kids entertained. With these car games, you’ll not only make the trip more enjoyable, but you might also create fun traditions and memories that last long after you’ve reached your destination. Safe travels and happy gaming!